Vedic Wisdom - English | by Giri Publications
• Through the application of the tenets of that great science, metaphysics, and revealed cosmic wisdom, the Vedas and their ancillary texts seek to lessen human suffering and burdens. It is necessary to convey Vedic wisdom in a logical and coherent language without obscuring it in jargon if we are to transmit the priceless knowledge, information, and wisdom found in the Vedas to the modern generation. To accomplish this, we must present the knowledge in plain terms and list every modern scientific finding that is consistent with the venerable Vedic knowledge. Additionally, it is important to note that no Vedic theory has ever been disproven by contemporary science.
• The most crucial information in this text is that the scientific laws and facts that the Vedas established many millennia ago were only recently discovered by modern science. We should be able to persuade them that what the Vedas have revealed—which modern science has not yet uncovered—is equally valid and that there is no point in waiting for a scientific confirmation if the Vedic revelations can solve many of their problems. Kanchi Paramacharya advises that the only way to reveal the unknown is through the familiar. We can introduce them to all the other laws of the universe by beginning by demonstrating to them the established Vedic scientific theories that are supported by the laws of Vedas.
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