Yen?.. Etharkku?.. Aanmeegam - Tamil | By Paala Sarmaa/ Hindu Spiritual Book
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion with a pantheon of many deities. This can lead some to question the existence of one supreme God and the purpose of worshipping many. Given the breadth of Hinduism's intellectual and theological terrain, it is only natural for its adherents to have doubts and inquiries. The book "Yen?.. Etharkku?.. Aanmeegam '' dispels misconceptions and provides answers to a few spirituality-related queries.
The book, written by Bala Sharma and released by Narmadha Pathippagam, goes into great detail about the nuances of Gyana, Karma, and Bhakti yogas. The reader can benefit from logical answers to concerns about doubts related to Gyana Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga procedures. Answers to 350 questions taken from the Vedas and Puranas are collected and presented in this book.