Wanderings In The Himalayas - English | by Sri Swami Tapovanam/ Hindu Spiritual Book
In this book one reads how a man of Divine vision beholds truth everywhere.Be it in the lifeless stones,or in the dumb trees,or among the singing birds,in the roar of animals,in the silent womb of the jungle,in the bright expanse of the summer sky,or the whispering darkness-everywhere,all the times,here is a master mind who detects and perceives the play of the unseen in and through the seen. Wonderings in the Himalayas gives poetic descriptions of places of importance in the Himalayas,sacred in their cultural love and in the traditional faith of India.And it is at once as many pictures that smile forth their infinite beatitude-all captured and framed by the Swami's mighty pen.The sincerity of the writer lends a secret charm to his words and conveys truly the same feelings to the readers to enjoy the vison of the Infinite that plays in and through every form