The Siddhanta kaumudi - 2 vols - English - Sanskrit
Because of its meticulous approach, it has eclipsed all related works and glosses, or Vrttis, on the Sutras of Panini. It is divided into two parts, the first of which covers seven subjects. The first half covers Sangya Paribhasha, Panchsandhi, Shadling, Stri Pratyay, Karak, Samas, and Taddhit, while the second half covers five other themes - Dashgani, Dwadashprakriya, Kridant, Vaikiki, and Swar.
The present work is the translation of the above book in English in two volumes. S.C. Vasu has rendered a great service to the ancient Indian Literature by translating this book into English. This translation commands a unique position in the world of scholarship.