Voice Of The Guru - The Guru Tradition - English | by Adiguru Dakshinamurti/ Hindu Spiritual Book
• This work on the Guru Tradition by Adiguru Dakshinamurti is a translation of the Sage of Kanchi's discourses on Guru -tattva contained in the second, third, fourth and fifth volumes of the Tamil Daivattin Kural("Voice of God" or "Voice of Divinity") published by Vanati Patippakam, Madras.
• This hindu religious book is an excellent translation of the lectures on Guru-tattva-the concept of the Educator-delivered in Tamil by Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Svami.
• The hindu spiritual books translation into English has been done by R. G. K. , formerly assistant editor of the Illustrated Weekly of India.
• The translation of the speeches on the Guru-tattva printed in this volume is elegant. It is so simple as can be easily understood.
• The hindu religious book represents the Gurudeva's discourses on the concept of the Guru covered in this work encompasses the entire ambit of preceptors and teachers from the sage-gurus, the preceptors and teachers from the sage-gurus, the preceptors of gurukulas of the distant past and adhyapakas of pathasalas down to the college professors and schoolteachers of the present time.
• The patient reader of devotional book will not fail to note the wide gulf separating the value-based, devoted, disciplined and systematic study that prevailed in olden times.
• with the consequent attainment by the student of good and perfect knowledge for its own sake-and the educational set-up of today which is devoid of any affectionate or intimate contact between teacher and taught.
• Its aim the securing of degrees-deservedly or otherwise-as passports to mere material prosperity with the resulting decay in human values and the rise of problems like indiscipline in our educational institutions.