Patanjala Yoga Sutralu - Telugu | By Swamy Vivekananda
• The Patanjali Yoga Sutra unveils the mastery of Maharishi Patanjali, a visionary who flourished around the 2nd century BCE, possessing profound insight into the complexities of the human mind.
• Not only did he comprehend its intricate workings, but he also offered a pathway to its mastery. His Yoga Sutras stand as a definitive guide to understanding the body, mind, and spirit, akin to an advanced manual in psychology.
• Even after 2200 years, this text remains the cornerstone of the global phenomenon of Yoga, transcending barriers of language, culture, and time.
• In today's world, where anxiety and depression abound, the pursuit of contentment, as per Patanjali's teachings, becomes paramount.
• For those navigating life's uncertainties, this book promises to serve as a beacon, guiding them to calmer shores.