Okra Gardening | Vegetables | Abelmoschus Esculentus | Lady’s Finger or Bhendi
Period/Seasonal Colour: Green or yellow in color
Height : 2 to 3 feet
Where To Plant: Plant this tall, thin vegetable in full sun on well drained soil on the north side of your garden so it doesn’t shade other plants. Consider planting along a south-facing garage, barn, or house to add some beauty and produce a faster crop.
When To Plant: Start seedlings indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date to transplant outdoors in late May or early June.
How To Plant: Poke holes 2 feet apart in the plastic to transplant your seedlings or sow seeds. If your soil is consistently wet, consider growing okra in an 8-inch tall raised bed.
Added Benefits: The very low calorie vegetables. They provide ???? vape just 30 calories per 100 g besides containing no saturated fats or cholesterol. N
Tips: Keep okra plants well watered, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Add a small handful of an organic fertilizer, such as 5-5-5, monthly around plants to keep them growing strong.