Hindu Maha Samuthiram - Volume - 6 - Tamil | by Cho Ramaswamy/ Hindu Religious Book
• The author of this book, Cho, is a strong believer in Hindu religious scriptures and rituals.
• In this series, he shares with others what he has read and felt about the superiority of Hinduism.
• When he first wrote Vyasa Bharat, it was well received by the readers.
• The reason is his simple style and honest view! Valmiki also wrote Ramayana in the same style.
• A huge welcome to that too! After that, he tried to write this series called Hindu Maha Samudram.
• These have now appeared in six volumes. We cannot measure the length, breadth and depth of the ocean.
• In the same way, it is impossible to learn all the things in Hinduism even after many births! That is why he named this series as Hindu Maha Samudram.
• Starting with the origin of Hinduism, he has collected a large amount of information like Yagas, Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis, Puranas, Srimad Bhagavatam, Itihasas, Bhagavad Gita, Acharyas, Tiruvilayat Purana, Periya Purana, History of Alvars, History of Siddhas, Rishis, Gnanis, Mahanas.
• If we read this book, we will have a chance to know at least a little bit about Hinduism.
• Take advantage of this opportunity! Hindu Dharma is without beginning and without end.