Brass Kerala Fancy Lamp - Round - 12 Inches | Brass Deep/ Brass Lamp for Pooja/ 1180 Gms Approx
Claim the goodness and blessings of lighting this unique Kerala Fancy Lamp:
• Lighting candles is thought to summon the divine and welcome blessings into one's surroundings. The light represents the heavenly illumination and splendour that banish ignorance and darkness.
• A deep search is frequently connected with the search for wisdom and knowledge. The lamp's light is a metaphor for the inner light of comprehension and awareness that promotes spiritual development and enlightenment.
• Lighting a candle denotes the real and figurative eradication of darkness. It stands for the victory of good over evil, wisdom over ignorance, and light over darkness.
• Deepams are said to consecrate the area where they are lit and purify the air. A good and spiritual environment is thought to be created by the flickering flame, which purges negative energies.